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How COVID is Affecting The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Your Future Address, President & CEO, Katie Yeager was featured in The Kansas City Business Journal! She shared her thoughts on how the global pandemic is affecting the local Kansas City real estate market.

Original Feature By The Kansas City Business Journal | March 25, 2020

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Full-Service, Flat-Fee Listing Service

Your Future Address is a Full-Service, Flat-Fee Listing Service serving the Kansas City Metro Area.

We provide the quality service you would expect from a 6% listing agency– we just chooses to charge less – it’s that simple.

Your Future Address isn’t like any other real estate company. We provide the full-services of a realtor for a low flat-fee with no upfront costs.

Picture of Katie Yeager Stout

Katie Yeager Stout

Kansas City Flat-Fee Real Estate Broker

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